KDr2's Resume
Table of Contents
Status Quo
Settle in Xi'AN Shaanxi China. Active in software development, ready for any proper opportunity.
Personal Information
- Name: Zhuo Qingliang, sometimes goes as Killian.
- Email: killian.zhuo📧gmail.com
- Homepage: https://kdr2.com
- Mobile: +86 0b10111010 0o5532 0x0636
- Education: [2002-2006] Xi'an Jiaotong University, China.
- Languages
- Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified): Native Speaker
- English: Conversant
- Writing: Good at non-fiction writing
- Platforms and Programming Languages
- C/C++, Rust, Linux, Bash
- Scheme(Racket), Clojure, Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp
- Python, JavaScript
- Haskell, Agda
- Julia
- R, Perl
- Domains
- Linux System Programming
- PLT, Compiler
- Mathematics, Type Theory
- Graphics, Typography
- Statistics
- Data Science Infrastructure
- Database: PostgreSQL and many others
Open Source Projects
- Projects I contribute to
- The Julia Programming Language
- a general purpose programming language, which is optimized for technical computing, I also contribute to many projects/packages in the Julia ecosystem;
- Turing.jl
- Turing.jl, Libtask.jl, and many other subprojects of Turing.jl;
- Orgmode
- a document editing, formatting, and organizing mode for and built-in in Emacs;
- PDFium
- a PDF library from Google,the PDF component for Chromium;
- Skia
- an open source 2D graphics library from Google;
- PostgreSQL
- a powerful, open source object-relational database system.
- Projects I maintain
- FastCGI low-level API and WSGI-Style API for SBCL;
- A Generic Version of SB-FastCGI, runs on mostly Common Lisp implementations;
- Redis-LevelDB
- A redis frontend for google's leveldb: Use leveldb as a Redis-Server;
- Books I wrote
- Qt 5 and OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Projects, June 20, 2019
- Books I reviewed (as a technical reviewer):
- Mastering Julia, July 22, 2015
- Julia High performance, April 26, 2016
- Hands-On Computer Vision with Julia, July 10, 2018
- Hands-On Algorithms for Computer Vision, July 27, 2018
- Julia Programming Projects, October 9, 2018
- Hands-On Enterprise Application Development with Python, December 9, 2018
- Julia High performance, Second Edition, June 10, 2019
- Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia, January 17, 2020
- Advanced C++ Programming Cookbook, January 30, 2020
Work Experience
- 2016.10.01 - 000000.NOW, Paoding Tech, https://www.paodingai.com/, a startup who brings AI to the financial industry, as the chief architect;
- 2014.09.01 - 2016.01.01, Wisdom Garden, http://www.wisdomgarden.com/, online education, full-stack senior engineer;
- 2013.08.01 - 2014.08.01, Pintics, a small startup in USA, worked remotely;
- 2011.05.03 - 2013.06.20, http://www.apptao.com/, mobile internet, server-side and infrastructure development, as a senior engineer;
- 2007.07.28 - 2011.04.28, AGREE TECH, http://www.agree.com.cn/, banking software development, as a senior engineer;
- 2006.07.20 - 2007.07.20, worked for many small start-ups, as a server side developer, using Java, Perl, Python.
Jobs I prefer
Infrastructure development and research, including:
- Linux/UNIX System Programming;
- Compiler
- Data Science Infrastructure
- Database: PostgreSQL and others;
- Distributed System, High-Performance and Parallel Computing;
- Graphics Programming;
- Web, Scripts and Utilities.