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Docker issues I met

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<2014-07-15 Tue>

I started to use docker in the past few days, and encountered few issues:

1 Use docker as a non-root user without sudo

I am using debian and installed docker with aptitude, that created a new group named docker, and the unix socket file created by the docker daemon is owned by that group:

$ ls /run/docker.sock -l
srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 Jul 14 20:46 /run/docker.sock

so just add the user you are using to the group docker, then you can easily use docker command without sudo:

$usermod -a -G docker
$newgrp docker # this command make the previous command take effect without logging out/in

You can use -G option of docker daemon to specify a group rather than using the default docker group.

2 Generate layer archive error

When I pushed a docker image to docker hub, it issues:

2014/07/14 09:14:15 Failed to generate layer archive: Error activating devmapper device for '062d727961a00bf89f725160b52af9eb22ec23ba7826172b5333351876e26ef4':
Error running DeviceCreate (activateDevice) dm_task_run failed

Restart the daemon and do it again!

3 Hang while pushing images

Shit, docker hub is banned in China, so use a VPN or a proxy please, I circumvent this by running docker daemon with tsocks:

$sudo tsocks /etc/init.d/ restart

4 Error: push repository is already in progress

You must killed a hung pushing process :), just restart the docker daemon and push again.

5 Other Errors

Just restart the daemon and do it again! It will solve most problems!

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